Affordabe Training at your own pace 

Pay as you go £16 +VAT for each module.

Buy the seven modules together and get a discount, all seven modules for £98+VAT (which works out at £14+VAT for each module).

The Seven online modules:
1. Parental Rejection or Acceptance and the importance of Belonging – providing insights into each child’s emotional pain.

2. Emotional Warmth Parenting with Parenting Style and Close Relationships (Attachment).

3. Growing the child’s Self-worth and Emotional Competence. 

4. Building Resilience and Personal and Social Responsibility. 

5. Becoming Trauma-Informed, Adaptive Emotional Development and support for recovery from trauma.

6. Understanding Self-defeating Behaviour and encouraging Self-management.

7: Identifying your own and the young person’s Signature Strengths


Progress and Development

Showing what’s been achieved using the baseline record to highlight improvements (and parenting needs)
by measuring the progress and development for each child on the eight Pillars of Parenting. Also, are the Kate Cairns three stages of recovery from trauma, Stabilisation, Integration and Adaptation.  Call or e-mail for more information: Tel: 07983 544899

Our book 'It's a privilege'

“Your book should be read by everyone considering fostering or working in residential. Its amazing.” Sue Cushen (Foster parent).

What we provide for organisations

1. The seven modules online, e-learning
training for each foster/adoptive parent or children’s home staff member.

2. Online assessment on each child’s progress. Baseline and three further assessments for 10 or 20 children (depending on which option below) for one year.

3. A copy of our reader-friendly book ‘It’s a privilege’ for each person.

All three for £290+VAT monthly, for 10 foster parents or staff, (£29 +VAT monthly for each foster parent or staff member)
or £540+VAT monthly, for 20 people (£27 +VAT monthly for each foster parent or staff member).

For 30 or more people? Call Colin Maginn: +44 (0)191 516 6634 or +44 (0)7983 544899

If you would like the support of a Pillars of Parenting psychologist consultant, or introductory training on our approach for your psychologist, we offer face to face or zoom training and ongoing telephone support.

For foster/adoptive parents and children’s home staff, we can offer in-person induction training and workshops on specific topics of interest or concern.

Also, we hold an annual psychology conference. To discuss your needs, call or e-mail: +44 (0)7983 544899

An independent study: Pillars of Parenting: Exploring Adoptive Parents’ Lived Experiences.

University of Southampton Educational Psychology research blog


Alison O'Sullivan President of the Association of Directors of Childrens Services 2015 - 2016

Blog talking about the Pillars of Parenting

I am delighted that we have now managed to put POP (The Pillars of Parenting) firmly in to the fabric of our authority, as the care model we offer staff and carers to work with children. I continue to get feedback from staff about how POP has changed their working practices and perception of the children they care for and this is evidenced in the good and outstanding Ofsted ratings we have for our children’s homes.
Local Authority senior officer

I would actually say that the development of the residential estate in Hampshire and the Pillars of Parenting care model being adopted by the staff in the homes has been a highlight in my career. I now feel confident that children in our children’s homes receive the quality of care they deserve and need, recognising the trauma they have experienced. The care is also being delivered by people who feel confident in the way they care for children and demonstrate ambition for them.

Strategic Lead for Transformation – Children and Families, large County Council.

Without this form of support, I don’t think the teams could cope with the emotionally challenging events that they face. (26-02-18)

Head of Residential Care (Children and Families)

The Pillars of Parenting has enabled me as a carer to have more self-reflection on how I deal with my looked-after child and his behaviour due to his trauma and neglect and given me the confidence to work with other professionals with my new knowledge. I would highly recommend POP to all foster carers. Working with our own PoP psychologist and the workshops have been invaluable and sharing our experiences.

Ellie (Foster Parent)

This course has still made a massive positive change to my own practice. The knowledge base around the Pillars of Parenting ethos has enabled me to understand my children and YP’s behaviour and for myself to reflect on how I can support this in the most positive way.

Michelle (Foster Parent)


Connection with other Carers. Growth of knowledge. The passion with which the course is delivered gives us skills to parent these children.

Maggie (Foster Parent)


The Pillars of Parenting Ltd, Business & Innovation Centre, Wearfield, Sunderland, SR5 2TA. –  e-mail  – Tel: +44 (0)191 516 6634 or +44 (0)7983 544899

U.K. Company Reg: 06109026 VAT Reg: 9241474344