Emotional Warmth Parenting
The child knows what to expect from the adults in the parenting role, and the adults know to reflect, then to behave with warmth, sensitivity, kindness and responsiveness to the child’s needs.
Tapping into a powerful source of energy …
young people’s strengths
This site is for everyone involved with children in public care
Conference at Wrexham University on the 2nd May 2025
An opportunity to meet and hear Colin Maginn
giving a keynote presentation on being an
'..agent for therapeutic change.'
About my keynote
I am delighted and privileged to be presenting a keynote talk at the Therapeutic Child Care Conference at Wrexham University on 2 May 2025, organised by The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities. I’m looking forward to meeting and chatting to others at the conference.
The title of the conference, “From Trauma Aware to Therapeutic Child Care: Matching Understanding to Task”, ties in precisely with ‘Emotional Warmth Parenting’ which is the approach that The Pillars of Parenting takes to our work with traumatised children.
The title of my presentation is: “Three questions the ‘person in the parenting role’ should ask to be agents for therapeutic change for the child in their care.”
The questions are:
1 “What are Amy’s strengths, skills and talents?”
2 “What are Amy’s parenting needs?” and
3 “Where is Amy in her trauma journey?”
The name Amy is used to point to the importance of ensuring that the child is the main focus, not the theory.
My presentation outlines how our “Emotional Warmth Parenting” approach answers these questions for each child, measures results and uses psychology, psychologists and other professionals for theory, practice and oversight.
We will post an outline of my keynote, notes and references here, on the 22nd of April 2025 and any updates leading up to the conference.
What we offer
• Seven modules of e-learning on the theory and practice behind the “Emotional Warmth Parenting” approach. (* click below for details)
• Face-to-face training by Colin Maginn or other experienced and qualified team members, covering particular desired topics.
• Baseline assessment and follow-up monitoring of each child.
• Workshops which detail trauma-informed care, the child’s
parenting needs, teaching children self-management skills,
reinterpreting challenging behaviour for better understanding,
and as the child is much more than their trauma:
• Finding and using young people’s strengths.
* For details of our e-learning, including learning outcomes and assessment criteria.*
Strengths rather than problem-focused! – “This is a brilliant book for foster carers, residential carers, psychologists and social workers. Anyone involved with children in care. It is grounded in psychological research and theory and uses psychology to help carers to support children in care from a positive perspective. Highly recommended!” Dr Gillian Shotton (from Amazon Kindle review)
This article offers a short summary of the ‘Emotional Warmth Parenting’ approach. Useful to help those in the parenting role to give an overview for external visitors or inspectors.
Emotional Warmth Parenting
Emotional Warmth Parenting approach improves life opportunities for children and youth in public care. Our goal is to empower adults in the parenting role to form positive relationships and be a kind, helpful influence on the mental health and well-being of children in public care.
Our work is to inform and support using psychological insights from research and to move from opinion-based decisions to practice that is based on evidence from attachment science, using young people’s strengths and ensuring trauma-informed practice.
We work to promote evidence-based psychological, biological and social research and to bring it to the attention of politicians, policymakers & opinion leaders.
The key components of the approach are:
- Empowering significant adults by sharing the psychological theory and research underpinning Emotional Warmth Parenting.
- Enhancing the child’s adaptive life skills by meeting their parenting needs.
- Understanding and supporting children through emotional trauma.
- Identifying and building on the young people’s signature strengths.
- Encouraging positive behaviour and self-management for self-limiting behaviour.
- Measuring the progress of each young person, over time.

- Dr Seán Cameron BSc, MSc, Dip. Ed, C.Psychol, FBPsS, FAHE, PhD. HPC Registered and BPS Chartered Child and Educational Psychologist.
Seán is a child psychologist and currently Foundation Director And Now Honorary Associate. He has written or edited six books and published more than 50 professional journal articles on a wide range of child psychology topics.
In 2005 he was given the British Psychological Society’s national award for distinguished contributions to the teaching of Psychology and in 2010 he received their annual award for his distinguished contribution to Educational and Child Psychology.
- Colin Maginn, B.Sc (Hon) Psychology, MIoD, MBPsS.
Colin’s whole professional life has involved working with children in public care. He was a manager in two regional children’s secure units then he set up ‘Ingleside children’s homes’ in London which he owned for about twenty years.
Colin is driven to improve work with children in public care, to inspire kindness and warmth, to change from haphazard opinion based practice to child-friendly evidenced-based practice grounded in psychological research and theory which empowers those working directly with the young person.
- Dr. Jessica Dewey, BSc, PGCE, MSc, DEdPsy, C. Psychol. Registered with the Health Care Professions Council.
Jessica is an Academic and Professional tutor and Deputy Programme Director at UCL and a Senior Educational Psychologist in Harrow. She has taught on the masters and doctoral training programmes for Educational Psychologists since September 2004. Her current interests include working with schools to support the teaching of children’s thinking skills. She has carried out research and delivered national and international conference presentations on the Activating Children’s Thinking Skills (ACTS) approach. Dr Dewey is also involved in Video Interactive Guidance (VIG) as a method to support effective communication and reflective practice.
Jessica has been involved with Pillars of Parenting since 2008 as psychologist PoP consultant to Children’s Homes in the South East of England. She supervises and supported other PoP psychologists in delivering the approach in a range of settings from foster carers and adoptive parents to secure Children’s Homes.
The Pillars of Parenting Ltd.,
Business & Innovation Centre,
Wearfield, Sunderland, U.K. SR5 2TA
e-mail colinmaginn@pillarsofparenting.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 191 516 6634 or +44 (0) 7983 544899
Company registered in the UK, number 06109026
V.A.T. registration No: 924147434